1. UnderSky focus upon creating fun and active outdoor experiences for families. Please select which areas that we offer you were aware of:
Community play days
Outdoor birthday parties
Wedding entertainment
Play tins for individual children
Play packs for families and groups to play together
Outdoor experiences consultation and interpretation provision for private estates and businesses
2. Over the past couple of years we've ran nature themed community play events throughout Ayrshire. Have you ever attended an UnderSky play event?
Yes (please continue to question 4)
No (please go to question 3 and continue answering questions from there)
3. If you answered no, it would be great to know why you haven’t been able to attend a play event and if there is demand for play events in other parts of the UK. Please select any of the following restrictions preventing you attending:
There are no UnderSky play sessions anywhere near me
The location of previous play sessions weren’t accessible to me (due to transport restrictions).Option 2
All play sessions were fully booked
The dates of play sessions haven’t been suitable for me
My child/children wouldn’t be keen on attending
Any other reason? Please add into the box below, thanks!
4. We’d love to know what elements of an UnderSky play event are important to you. Whether you’ve been to an event or not, do you agree, or disagree, with the following statements about an UnderSky play event?
Joining in active, running around play is important for my child/children
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Experiencing the great outdoors is valuable to me and my family
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
There are always new and interesting facts about wildlife to discover
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
We enjoy the chance to play with other families
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
My child/children love receiving free snacks and play prizes
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The UnderSky staff are helpful and friendly
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
It’s important to me that the event is free
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Having the play event located near to my home is vital
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
5. To run our Play Days free of charge we secure funding from various sources. If you were asked to pay for an UnderSky Play Session (lasting 1.5 hours, including snacks and prizes) how much would you be willing to pay?
Under £5
£5 - £7
£8 - £10
£10 - £12
£12 - £14
6. In addition to running events we also create Play Tins – would a portable kit containing ideas about exploring and learning about nature be useful to you and your child?
Probably not as we’re happy playing outside as we are
Yes, additional ideas for playing and exploring outside would be useful
Possibly, though I’m not sure if my child would be interested
No, I don’t think we’d use a Play Tin
7. Some of the activities in our Play Tins have been developed to encourage children to explore with the help of an adult. What do you think about this?
I’m keen to learn and play outdoors with my child/children and would enjoy this
I’d love to spend time playing outdoors with my children but its not always feasible so would prefer activities that are child-led and don’t need my assistance
I always prefer more independent activities for my child/children so would be put off by anything that requires my help
8. We are proud to source the contents of our Play Tins from local suppliers, choose natural materials wherever possible and be single-use plastic free. How much does this matter to you?
This is massively important in the decisions I make, I appreciate it
It’s good to know, but not the most important selection criteria for my purchases
It’s not something that I think about so isn’t important to me
9. We are keen to introduce new themes about native wildlife and the outdoors for our Play Tins. Please select which themes you and your child would be keen on:
Exploring with your senses
Sun, Moon and Planets
Beach Treasure Quest
Tracks & Trails
Nature skills
Brilliant Birds
Any other ideas for future play tins please add below:
10. Our Play Tins contain 6-8 different nature themed activities, include all the information and props required for active outdoor games and are beautifully presented with our bespoke illustrations and design. Suitable for approximately 2 hours of fun for individual children, how much would you be willing to pay for a play tin?
£12 - £14
11. When shopping online, which marketplace platforms do you buy from?
Not on the Highstreet
Any other Marketplace option, please write below:
12. When shopping through an online marketplace, such as above do you:
Buy direct from the marketplace
Navigate to the sellers website and buy from there
Finally, do you have any suggestions or comments to help us provide the best service to you? Please add them below:
We really appreciate the time you’ve taken to send us your thoughts! In thanks for completing our survey, here’s a discount code, for 10% off, to use with any future purchase: THANKS10
Please pass on to friends and family to spread the UnderSky play fun!
Happy playing!
Kathryn & Katie