1. We are so pleased you chose UnderSky to help celebrate your little one's birthday. We'd love to know why you selected our party package. Please select as many options as relevant to you:
We prefer to celebrate outdoors
Your party themes looked fun!
We were looking for something different from the usual party options
This was the best option for our budget
Being outdoors is more COVID-19 safe
Any other reason? Please detail below:
2. How did you find out about UnderSky?
3. Which UnderSky Party theme did you book?
Animal Champions
Faery Queen's Magic
Minibeast Adventures
The Bramble Thief Mystery
Fun on the Beach
4. When booking your UnderSky party, what items were important in your decision? Please select as many options that are relevant to you.
Being environmentally friendly
Expertise in running outdoor events for children
Personalising the party and being flexible to the children's needs and interests
Inclusion of an UnderSky event shelter in the party package
The option for indoor games, should the weather be too awful outside
5. Which items were important to you in your UnderSky party package?
Fun and active outdoor games
Bespoke UnderSky party invites and thank you cards
Advise in selecting a suitable location for the party
Use of an event shelter, if rain was forecast
Provision of useful things such as a table, tablecloth, picnic blanket, paper bags
Clearing the location of litter and dog mess prior to the party
6. Did you feel the activities were inclusive enough for all children?
Yes, all activities were great for the age and abilities of the children
Most of the activities were good for the different children
Not many of the activities engaged the children
Hmmmm, none of the activities suited the children
7. After the party, did your child(ren) talk about any of the games they played and facts they'd learned? Please give a brief description below:
8. At UnderSky we are always looking at how to improve our service. Which items would you like to see included as options in our party package?
Environmentally friendly party bags
Option to purchase the Play Pack of your theme, at a discount, to extend the play again and again
Discount code for purchasing future UnderSky products
Multiple wrapped Pass the Parcel prize, such as themed Play Tin (containing themed outdoor play for one child)
Provision of quality catering for the party from local businesses.
9. Overall, how satisfied were you (and your little one) with the service we provided?
Very happy
Mostly satisfied
It was OK, but I would have preferred it to be different
The party wasn't what I'd hoped for
10. Will you recommend an UnderSky Party to your friends and family?
Yes, definitely!
No, I don't think they'd be interested
11. Any other thoughts about your UnderSky party?